07 October 2009

Naming Baby

As my sweet spouse would say, we are B minus five weeks and counting...the nesting is in full swing...and we think Baby White may finally have a name. Naming our first two children was relatively easy: Andrew was named after Drew who was named after his grandfather, Andrew. Easy Peasy, right? Marcail was also easy; I read the name in a book written by Lori Wicke years ago and always wanted to give my daughter. Drew liked the name and so we have our sweet Marcail, also known as Marc, Marky, Marcaily and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.

That brings us to baby White #3 -- a boy. His middle name will be Lowell...after Drew's father who passed away two years ago. Have you ever tried to find a first name that goes well with Lowell? It's not as easy as you may think. Andrew has been full of suggestions which are usually derived from one of the many books we are reading: Alfalfa, Wilbur, Gideon, Jonah, Zaccheus, Laban, Templeton, Pinkerton, Stuart, Tractor Mac, Gussy, Froggy, Little Bear; you get the idea.

Mom and dad have been a little more practical in our considerations, taking only two of Andrew's suggestions seriously. And so, I leave you with the list of names we've pondered...and will reveal to you our final choice when Baby Boy finally makes his much awaited appearance.

Will it be: Gideon, Jonah, Josiah, Matthew, Ethan, Jonathan, Samuel, William, Liam or Wil? Stay tuned to find out!!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Well, you know my favorite... I also like Liam.

So, so, so good to talk with you a few days ago!