20 November 2008


In the midst of packing, moving, trying to settle on a house, dealing with sickness and an out of town visitor, we also have to deal with this:

Really, Andrew? Another trip to the ER? Weren't we just there six weeks ago? Thank goodness daddy's new insurance just kicked in yesterday.

Oh son...the days with you are never boring. We're just thankful you and your thumb are OK...but please, don't try to cut your hair using daddy's razor again, OK?


Paula said...

M - I'm laughing - I know - not nice considering Andrew's pain and your craziness. I told Rick just a few hours ago that I feel as though I'm just waiting for the accident to be big enough for the emergency room. Nice bandage though. That should be fun!

June said...

Ouch! He's such a boy. *hugs*

Childress Family said...

Ohhhhh man. Hope he heals soon. When all is settled, you and I are going to lunch....a very long lunch with men at home with babies!

Heather said...

aww, poor little guy!
Trying to shave already like Dad.