22 January 2009

A Magic Act

Want to see five dozen cookies disappear in less than 20 minutes?

Put them in front of five teenage boys who are gearing up for a "small group Bible Study" involving play station 2. It's a good thing I had to taste test one of them before they went to the boys, otherwise I would have been sorely disappointed.

As I write, Andrew and Marc are busy making me a meal with their new kitchen set (a Christmas gift)...I believe I will soon be dining on a mixture of oatmeal, rice, oregano, basil, rosemary and sage. Certainly sounds delicious, don't you think?

Happy Thursday to you!


Drew said...

Lemme set the redord straight- 4 dz cookies and 2 Xboxes!

June said...

How does a small Bible study group involve Xboxes?

Sounds like fun in the new kitchen. Whatever you do, don't give them Playdoh. You should see what happened to our living room the last time I did that.