19 January 2009

On becoming homeowners...

A new home, monthly mortgage payments and all of a sudden, date night is spent at Lowes or the Home Depot. Today, the kids stayed with a babysitter and we got to peruse the aisles of our local hardware stores without worry of someone climbing in and out of kitchen cupboards, trying to swing from plumbing fixtures or begging for a red gatorade from the cooler. Why is it, though, that every one item we purchased seems to translate into five more hours of work in the house?

With every coat of paint, every little project we accomplish around the house, we feel a bit better. We see progress...we're enjoying the changes from the inside out. It's kind of like Christ's love for us...changing us from the inside out. Let me ruminate on that thought a bit more...somewhere in my sleep deprived brain there's a metaphor about a fresh coat of paint (I think!).

More house pics for you to enjoy:

Andrew prepares to help daddy put new locks on the door.


Paula said...

I've missed you my friend. So glad you're back. Wow - I understand about the almost deep thoughts. And I get it... about the paint and the sleep deprivation!

LBBlum said...

LOVE the play power tools! with safety goggles!