08 February 2009

A Split Second Decision

There he was; thirty minutes past his bedtime, peeping his head out into the kitchen. "Are you done choppin' those pickles yet mommy?" He grins, with his gap toothed grin that lights up his face. "I really really want you to cuddle with me puhlease."

I've heard myself all day -- "Andrew, don't do that. Andrew, please. No, I can't paint with you, I need to fix dinner. Andrew, Andrew, Andrew."

It was a split second decision: do I nag about him still being up or do I run after him, give him a great big hug and go cuddle with him? By the grace of God, I chose the latter...and I am a better mother for it.

Yes, he's still awake....but during that quality cuddle time, we got to pray and I heard his sweet little voice talk to Jesus. And then God graciously forgave my faults by showing me just how much this little boy sleeps like his mom. Choosing to cuddle until he's really tired...and then pulling away and curling onto his side for a good night's sleep.

There are still things that need to be done tonight. Laundry to be folded, dishes to wash, lunch to make; but I got to spend twenty quality minutes cuddling with my boy. Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to just be a mommy tonight!

1 comment:

LBBlum said...

I love this post.
I know what you mean- I am so glad I NEVER put laundry above cuddling! Cuz those moments quickly slip by and they grow up so fast..
{yet the laundry never seems to care or mind if I neglect it a day or two.. it grow too.)

I'm proud of you!
Hey- on a side note - thanks for entering the give-away.. just a few more days!!