23 February 2009

Traveling with a 3 Year Old

Snippets of an ongoing conversation with Andrew during the last 30 minutes of our recent trip to PA to visit the grandparents. Andrew was very well aware that we were getting close!

* I'm trying to be patient mommy, but I just want to be at grandmom and pop-pop's. Can't you catch up to that white van...you're faster!

*Mommy, PA and pop-pop are the same. P for PA and P for Pop-Pop. "Puh"

* Mommy, look, there's a shooter (referring to a windsock). I explained what a windsock was and that someone we knew used to land his airplane in that field. "You mean our Dave? Dave with Luke, Dave who takes me on the merry-go-round...let's go visit him."

*Wow...all I can see are cows...

*Look at all the crows trying to eat the cornstalks. There's black crows and white crows...I wonder if there are any woodpeckers.

Andrew, living with you is never dull!!!

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