30 June 2009

Random Thoughts

Completely random thoughts on this 30th of June:
  • It's a boy! 20+ weeks down, that many more to go. I wasn't at all surprised to find out that this new little one is a boy...the nausea and misery that goes with any and all food is still strong, just as it was with Andrew. I feel as if I could hibernate for the next four months. But, we're happy to report that baby White #3 is already bigger than his siblings at this age, which leaves us hopeful that we may have a 5 1/2 pound baby!
  • I am running out of breakfast ideas for my kids. What do you feed your kids? Mine don't like sugary cereal, we're overdosed on pancakes, yogurt and oatmeal and Marc can't eat eggs. UGH...what's a mom to do? Are popsicles considered breakfast?
  • I have less than two weeks to finish prepping to teach Bible School. Last year I had 39 kindergarteners...the chaos that ensues with this many kids is overwhelming. My only hope is that I'm prepared enough to come home each day and nap.
  • Why is it that my daughter is so strong willed and opinionated? Daily her vocabulary increases but when we can't understand what she wants, the world may as well be coming to an end.
  • How do I get my soon to be 4 year old to stop sucking his thumb? We're already wondering what orthodontics will cost!
  • Why do I feel the need to be super mom and does my house really have to be that clean? What if I would prefer to spend my hours painting the baby blue trim to white in my bedroom instead of cleaning toilets? And where oh where is the power cord to my sewing machine...I have curtains to sew.
  • And finally, where did June go? Where did May go for that matter? Are we really headed into July...and will time please slow down? I have things to accomplish before we add another little one to this already crazy family!


Paula said...

Woohoo on having another boy! Congratulations!

On the breakfast thing - how about food that is not normally considered breakfast food... leftovers from dinner...cheese...rolled up lunch meats. I've read recently that proteins at breakfast are calming and sustaining.

I can't believe you are doing VBS this summer. I'm praying for you my friend.

Childress Family said...

Aww another boy! Sweet! Really hope that nausea goes away soon. No fun...not fun at all! How's VBS gone this week?