02 November 2008

Flight of the Bumblebee

If ever there was a tune to summarize my life at this moment, this would be it....the flight of the bumblebee. With an impending move, the unknown of where we're to live, how long we'll be there, the everyday demands of taking care of our kids, cooking, cleaning (ok, maybe not!), laundry and well, life; I feel as if I'm flying from thing to thing and really, not much is being accomplished. Pack a box, read a book, change a diaper, pack a box, pack a box, play with tractors, put kids down for naps, pray they're on the same sleep schedule so I can pack a few boxes....oh, this is the life I lead at the moment.

Today we heard a sermon on being content in all situations (Phillipians 4:10-); I wouldn't say that I'm discontent with the situation we're living; I had just really hoped to be settled at this point in my life. I sometimes wonder what God is trying to teach me through our attempt to purchase a house, settle and live in it. I don't know what lessons I'll take from this or if I'll ever know the whys, but I was struck by the fact that as restless as I feel now in the immediate unknown, how very grateful I am to have the assurance of heaven. And I was brought to my knees praying for that same assurance for my kids...oh how I want them to know Jesus.

And so the craziness continues in our house. Pack more boxes, fold more laundry, read more books, sing more songs, and continually pray that the Lord will lead us to where He wants us to live and not just where we want.

This is where my thoughts are this crazy Sunday. Does anyone else feel as if they should have been to bed hours ago? :-)


June said...

Some days I feel like I shouldn't have gotten OUT OF bed at all. But then these monkeys will call for me all day long.

Whenever I start to feel like my life is going crazy, I just tell myself that God will not give me more than I can handle. And I've found it to be so true all the time.

Good luck with the packing. I'm still unpacking, so I know what you're going through, sort of.

Paula said...

I just tried to put Just So Thankful on hold from my library and its not available in the whole stinking county. We've got the third biggest kids library in the state! I'll keep trying. Thanks for the idea.:)

Paula said...

I forgot to add that I just found a Little Critter book at Goodwill for .50 last night! I love that little critter.